Very good game, I like how you make a new game out of a former version without just making a copy.
A completly new gameplay with a good upgradsysten, but upgrading archers and wizards is way more importend than warriors or mines on my opinion, also the kamikaze-units should be a part of the warrior upgrade system, this way there would be a spell to unlock for them too... , a balanced campaigne and different challenges.
It really catched my till the finall and; Well done!
No bugs and a very smooth, challenging and catching game.
Only thing to critise is that the Medals arent indentical to the ingame archivement , which unlocks them:
Meteor Strike: Medal 300 kills, Archivement 200 kills
Mantraps: Medal 100 Kills, Archivement 40 kills
Warrior: Medal 300 kills, Archivement 100 kills